While navigating an early career in this virtual world, you may be wondering ‘What’s Next?’ FidelityNext is a live webcast and podcast series for post-secondary students, where Fidelity Investments Canada will provide you with the tools you need to navigate your impending careers successfully in today’s landscape. Fidelity Investments Canada has a long history of meeting students directly on campus, and we hope these FidelityNext webcasts and podcasts will bridge that gap and provide you with the information we share during typical sessions on campus.
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Never stop learning: How Fidelity can help you grow | Episode 24
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
What are the skills and habits required of future business leaders and how can you acquire them? That’s what we’ll explore today with host Quinn Flaherty welcoming Michelle Cooper, Sales Development Consultant, and Monica Flores, Learning Solutions Consultant. Michelle, Monica, and Quinn will unpack the habits and characteristics of successful business leaders, what are the business skills most in demand in the workplace today, and how Fidelity’s Learning and Development program can support career growth. If you’re interested in future-proofing your career, this episode is for you. Never stop learning.
Transcript (PDF): https://www.fidelity.ca/content/dam/fidelity/en/documents/transcripts/transcript-podcast-fidelitynext-cooper-flores-june29.pdf