While navigating an early career in this virtual world, you may be wondering ‘What’s Next?’ FidelityNext is a live webcast and podcast series for post-secondary students, where Fidelity Investments Canada will provide you with the tools you need to navigate your impending careers successfully in today’s landscape. Fidelity Investments Canada has a long history of meeting students directly on campus, and we hope these FidelityNext webcasts and podcasts will bridge that gap and provide you with the information we share during typical sessions on campus.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Backpacks to briefcase: How to build a future at Fidelity | Episode 3
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Fidelity Canada has a long history of meeting students directly on campus - which we haven’t been able to do lately, due to the pandemic. But we hope that these FidelityNext podcasts - and live interactive webcasts - will bridge that gap and provide you with the information we share during typical sessions on campus. This episode features Joe Overdevest, Director of Research and Portfolio Manager, who normally travels to campuses to talk about his work experience, prior experiences originally as a co-op student, and career opportunities at Fidelity. Joe shares tips on how to kick-start your career, and how to be effective when seeking job opportunities.